Pet Bio: Hi, I’m Vivian! I’m a kitten full of life, eager to explore every nook and cranny. My days are filled with play, cuddles, and a dash of bravery. I’m always ready for a new adventure. My brother Emmett and I are inseparable. We are FIP Survivors and We are resilient & strong! We love to chase each other and play until we curl up for a long nap! I’m sweet, friendly, and I’ve never met a toy I didn’t like. I’m curious about the world and I can’t wait to discover it with a family who will love me. Adopt me and Emmett, and fill your home with our playful energy and endless affection.
Is Vivian Your Furry Valentine?
Apply to Adopt this Pet! https://www.wagtopia.com/search/pet?id=1802360&name=Legally+Blonde+:+Vivian