Pet Bio: HI! I’M MIKE! NICE TO MEET YOU! WAIT, WHAT? WHY AM I YELLING? Oops, sorry about that. I’m deaf, so I didn’t realize CapsLock was the same thing as shouting. I don’t actually know what shouting is . . . Anyway. I’m a big-headed goofball with an even bigger heart. I love making friends with new people and other dogs. My secret? I identify as a lap dog. Any chance you have room on your couch for me to come cuddle up? This pet is available through SICSA Pet Adoption & Wellness Center, located at 8172 Washington Church Road, Washington Township, OH 45458. We are open Monday through Saturday from 12pm-7pm. To schedule an appointment or inquire about walk-in availability, you can reach us during our open hours at 937-294-6505.
Is Mike Your Furry Valentine?
Apply to Adopt this Pet! https://www.sicsa.org/adoption-process/adoptable-dogs/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1667852157125%2Fembed%2Fanimal%2FSIC-A-94388